"You weren't created just to consume resources, you were put on this Earth to make a contribution." ~ Mother Teresa.


Writing Resources

Here are a few of my favorite writing books:

The Artists Way by Julia Cameron

Writing Begins with the Breath by Laraine Herring

Writing prompts for Narrative Engagement:

#1: What do you know about your birth?

#2: What is your first memory?

#3: What is your best memory of your siblings?

#4: What is your strongest memory of your parents?

#5: What was your favorite childhood book?

#6: Did you have a ‘lovey?” (blanket, stuffed animal)? Write about it.

#7: Did you suck your thumb? Do you remember that sensation?

#8: Describe your elementary school.

#9: What was it like for you to learn to read?

#10: Who was your 3rd grade teacher?

#11: Did you play sports or an instrument or have any favorite activities?

#12: Who was your first friend? Describe in detail.

#13: How did you get home from school?

#14: Did you have a best friend?

#15: Where you bullied?

#16: Describe the playground of your elementary school.

#17: Describe your favorite photograph of you as a child.

#18: What was your favorite smell as a child?

#19: When you went to sleep at night, what were the sounds of your childhood home?

#20: What did your childhood bed look like?



Spirituality Resources


Psychology Resources